// Analog vector art //

Analog assets created for a prototype sci-fi film studio. Assets were displayed in real-time in an exhibition setting. All animated asset generation processes were developed and produced on vintage oscilloscopes. A collection of printed materials were also developed to accompany the animated logo.

Artist Statement 

“I’ve always been fascinated by the tactile graphics and visual effects of sci-fi from the 60s & 70s. Something about assets created by physical processes scratches that itch to build something with my hands.
Vintage oscilloscopes create beautiful vector shapes based on sound. So I challeneged myself: can I create a visual identity based on sound? Using an amalgamation of javascript p5, recycled oscilloscopes and an old ipod, I created all the assets you see here. Textures layered upon textures, natural shakiness due to miscalibrated o-scopes; the imperfections of the final product calls to mind the roughness of the rotoscope VFX I was initally inspired by.”

Brand Materials

^ Posters

^ Film script layout 

^ Film script cover

^ Target audience

Copyright © 2024 Bella Dell’Aira
“Muad'Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson.”
– Frank Herbert, Dune